Five tips to staying on the road despite season’s hazards

It’s coming.

That time of year when coats and long-sleeved shirts move into the clothing rotation; culinary tastes lean toward soups and stews; and folks fire up the hearth. While many consider it the most wonderful, the months ahead can bring some seasonal driving hazards.

We’re speaking of wintertime, and, depending on where you’re driving this year, it’s a good idea to be mindful of the slick streets and cold conditions while relishing the cooler weather, quiet beauty of snowfall, gift-giving and decorations.

During winters past, AAA and its Roadside Assistance Program have come to the aid of millions of stranded motorists sent off course by inclement weather. The main culprit for these calls for help? Dead batteries – and the unfortunate keys locked in the car.

Looking beyond what’s under the hood or locked inside, there are many other factors that can create bumps in the road during winter driving.

Which is exactly why we created this handy infographic highlighting five tips to staying on the road during winter travel. Keep these in mind for getting over the river and through the woods to grandma’s house, and back, this season.

Here is a “coffee can” survival kit tip from the Illinois State Police to which the infographic refers.

Five tips infographic

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